Why is the world getting hotter?

Why is the world getting hotter?

As global temperatures continue to climb, one of the most pressing environmental issues is why the world is getting hotter. We are now in the fourth year in a row of record-breaking heat, and hotter temperatures contribute to more extreme weather and other environmental threats. Understanding the science behind global warming can help us take concrete steps to reduce the rate of climate change and the devastating impacts it can have. Here, we discuss why the world is getting hotter and how we can begin to address the problem.

What is Global Warming?

Why is the climate changing? Global warming refers to the rising average surface temperatures of the Earth. It is part of the larger phenomenon of climate change, which occurs when alterations within the atmosphere, like major changes to the carbon dioxide levels, ultimately change the climate and weather patterns.

Normal changes in the weather do occur, but global warming is caused by the unnatural addition of certain gases into the atmosphere that builds up and traps heat. This trap of heat is known as the greenhouse effect, when carbon dioxide, methane, ozone, and other gases block the Earth’s energy from radiating outward.

What Has Caused the World to Get Hotter?

Humans are the primary cause of global warming. Through our activities such as burning fossil fuels for energy and agriculture, we are releasing large amounts of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.

This adds to naturally occurring greenhouse gases, like those from wetlands and other natural sources, to create an even stronger greenhouse effect and warmer temperatures. As we continue to exacerbate global warming by burning fossil fuels and altering many of the Earth’s natural systems, climate change gets worse and temperatures continue to rise.

The Consequences of a Hotter World

A hotter world means more extreme weather, from longer and hotter heatwaves to stronger storms and rising sea levels. Increasing temperatures will bring more heat-related deaths. By 2050, it is estimated that climate change impacts could cause an additional 250,000 deaths each year.

Higher temperatures can also lead to more air pollution as the warmer air can increase smog and other dangerous air pollutants. Warmer air also leads to more water vapor in the atmosphere, which locks more heat in and further amplifies global warming.

What Can We Do to Help Slow Global Warming?

The good news is that times are changing and more people are aware of the global warming issue. We can all make a difference by reducing our own carbon footprints.

One of the most effective ways to reduce your carbon footprint is to reduce your reliance on fossil fuels and switch to clean forms of energy like solar and wind. Governments around the world also have an important role to play in encouraging countries to reduce emissions by implementing stricter regulations on industry and providing incentives for adopting renewable energy sources.

For example, governments could implement policies like carbon pricing, subsidizing green energy, investing in solar and wind project research, and offering low interest loans to start clean energy businesses.


The world is getting hotter due to human-caused global warming, and this has had and will continue to have devastating effects on our planet. We have a responsibility to reduce emissions and switch to clean energy sources in order to help reduce climate change and the threat it poses. But this is an issue that affects us all and we must collaborate across countries and generations to create a better future for the planet.

By taking action now, we can help to reduce the impacts of global warming and ensure that future generations will be able to enjoy a healthier and safer world.
