Best places in the world to avoid climate change

Best places in the world to avoid climate change

Climate change is one of the greatest threats to our planet, and its effects are already being felt by millions of people around the world. As temperatures rise and sea levels rise, it has become increasingly important to find the best places in the world to escape the devastating impacts of climate change.

Best Places: Mountainous Regions

One option is mountainous regions, especially those that are located at higher elevations, as they tend to be cooler and have better air quality. Places like the Swiss Alps, the Rockies of the United States, and the Himalayas of Nepal and India are all ideal for escaping the sweltering heat of increasingly common summer heatwaves. Additionally, mountain regions tend to be less prone to coastal flooding, extreme weather events, and other climate change related destruction, making them some of the best places in the world to avoid climate change.

Best Places: Archipelagos

For those unfortunate enough to be living on ocean coasts, some of the best places to be are archipelagos, which can generally be safer than mainland areas. Islands like Iceland, which already has a reputation for its low-carbon economy, are ideal for those looking to escape the worst of climate change. Other mountain-island options include the Hawaiian islands and the Caribbean.

Best Places: Inland Cities

Finally, inland cities in northern latitudes tend to be more temperate than their southern counterparts, making places like Canada, parts of Scandinavia, and other cities on the same latitude favorable for avoiding the worst of climate change. As temperatures continue to rise across the globe, northern cities may become even more desirable destinations for climate refugees in the not too distant future.

Locations to Avoid Climate Change

Climate change is a global problem, and its effects are already being felt by millions of people around the world. Finding the best places in the world to avoid climate change and its devastating impacts can be daunting, but those who make the effort to do so can often find great success. By looking to mountainous regions, archipelagos, and northern cities, people can help protect themselves and their families from some of the worst of climate change.